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Statutory Rape: A Houston Sex Crimes Attorney Defends the Accused

The rate of sex crimes in Texas, particularly in major cities like Houston, has been going down recently. However, some cases of rape have a distinct or atypical nature.

For example, statutory rape involves a person who has reached the age of consent and who had sex with another person under the age of consent. Regardless of whether the younger person agreed to have sex or not, the sexual act may still be looked on as an offense on the part of the older person. An article in AgeOfConsent.us explains the meaning of the age of consent and its implications.

“To have sex with someone under the age of consent is a strict liability crime (in most states) known as statutory rape. It is often referred to by other names such as sexual assault, sexual misconduct with a child, etc. In addition to the age of consent, the chart also indicates whether or not there is an age-gap provision for the state.

Many states have age-gap provisions that legalize teen sexuality as long as they are within a certain age range. Other states have ‘affirmative defense’ clauses.”

The age of consent is the standard age at which a person is allowed to have sex with anyone they wish, as long as the other person is willing and has also reached the age of consent. In Texas, the age of consent is 17. Anyone who is at least 17 years old may be accused of a sexual offense if he or she has sex with someone younger than 17.

Statutory Rape: A Houston Sex Crimes Attorney Defends the Accused
However, there are certain provisions, or “affirmative defense”, to the age of consent laws that a skilled Houston sex crimes attorney can use to exonerate his client. For example, if the accused is no more than three years older than the other person, and if the other person is at least 14 years old, then the legal consequences of the act may be mitigated.

A seasoned Houston sexual assault lawyer, like those who practice with the Scheiner Law Group, can draw on other legal factors to successfully defend their clients. Anyone who has been accused of a sex crime should thus immediately seek the counsel of a lawyer. Without the right defense, such an accusation can dent a person’s reputation, who, if proven guilty, may suffer carrying the title “sex offender” for the rest of his or her life.

(Source: AOC Chart For The 50 States & D.C., AgeOfConsent.us)